Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Signs You Need to Clean Your Pool

Signs You Need to Clean Your Pool

- A new algae species attract a Discovery Channel film crew to your backyard.

- The Grim Reaper shows up in his Speedo.

- Dr. Kervorkian was seen filling IV bottles at pool side.

- You haven't seen that much scum since Mickey Rourke's last movie.

- The amount of body hair found covering drain gives Prince Albert a run for his money.

More Signs You Need to Clean Your Pool

- You know that green tarp covering your swimming pool? It's NOT a pool cover.

- The kids in the neighborhood ask if they can jump on your trampoline.

- The water's pH is so high, in vitro fertilization is possible.

- Kids still pee in your pool, but they refuse to get in it first.

- Skipping rocks across the water causes sparks.