A father gazes at his young innocent daughter as she runs around in the colorful garden, discovering whatever brilliant creations nature has instore for her...As she runs on the grass she stopes and stares at the ground with a confussed look on her face!
The father rushes towards her to dicover what work of nature grabbed his daughters attention...As he reached to her he noticed she was staring at 2 spiders mating..."What is this spider on the top called?"- The young girl asked so calmly...the father smiled with joy of such an inoccent question from such an inoccent young girl...."Well...that' s DADDY LONG LEGS,". The girl interupted and said: "So the one at the bottom is MOMMY LONG LEGS right?"...The father smiled with joy..."No" he answered, gazing at his precious daughter, "Both are DADDY LONG LEGS!"...
The girl suddenly painted a look of confussion on her face...thought for a bit, then raised her foot and stomped the 2 spiders flat and screamed :"WELL THERE WON'T BE ANY FAG SHIT IN OUR GARDEN!"
Thursday, August 20, 2009
2 Spiders
Posted by Rosse at 1:37 PM
Labels: Clean Jokes